Friday, April 21, 2006

Maybe There is Hope...Thanks, Jim

Sometimes I get down in my cups, alcohol, after all, is a depressant. Sometimes it's about silly crap like a total lack of a love life (due to a total lack of social skills or realistic expectations), other times it's over "The State of The World." In those World-Depression moments, I am sometimes haunted by the images on TV showing how much people in the Islamic world hate us Americans, and I get to thinking genocidal thoughts about how, if our liberal, free society is to survive, we must war upon Islam. I was having one of those gloomy, genocidal drunks a number of weeks ago, when a good friend of mine, Rev. Jim (whos blog I have linked to, even though he disagrees with everything I believe in) told me of another blog

Again, the politics there are not always those I agree with, but the free-spirited banter and humorous approach to the "Middle Eastern Problem" are interesting and amusing enough to make me almost believe there is a way out of this mess without having to kill all adherents of a religion....


Blogger RevJim said...

You're welcome. BTW, while Sandmonkey was in town on business, he emailed me to try to set up a meeting. Because I am still on public computer, I was unable to set up a time and place, and we ended up playing email tag with no results. Another blogger you may enjoy is Aurelius, who, maybe sees things closer to your POV. He is on Atheist Seeker

3:25 PM  

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